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5 Halloween Costumes for the PR Guru

Are you wearing a PR themed Halloween costume this Friday?

The Penn State Chapter of PRSSA

By: Erica Walsh, Communications and Digital Strategy Chair

Halloween is right around the corner, and it’s costume crunch time. Every other year, we’ve had our costumes planned out for weeks in advance. But, this year we’re at a loss for inspiration. For anyone else scrambling for a last minute costume that will still wow the crowd, here’s a list of the top five costumes for PR lovers:

A Starbucks coffee cup

starbucks cup Why not be a PR pro’s favorite fuel? We only drink it about five times a day. This is for the more crafty costume engineers. Wear a white dress and create a cardboard belt with the Starbucks logo on it. Write your order on the side of your dress, and be sure to spell your name horrifically wrong for an extra touch of authenticity.

Photo cred: Katie Colletta

Your LinkedIn profile

This will definitely bring home the “most original”…

View original post 296 more words

Top 10 Tips For PR Majors Trying To Land An Internship

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It’s never too late to begin looking for internship opportunities. In a growing field like public relations, landing internships and gaining contacts are crucial to your career in this industry. Whether you already have a few internships on your belt, need help with interviews, or do not know where to begin, take a look at these tips that will help you take advantage of new internship opportunities.

Where to begin:
1. Look at all of the websites for the companies you are interested in to see if they have internship opportunities.

2. Register with online internship agencies such as,, etc.

3. Ask any contacts (PRSSA members, professors, etc) that you may already have to find out about any vacancies.


4. During this phase of the internship process, always be sure to research the companies that you are applying to. Becoming familiar with their brand as well as the interviewer are key tools that will help you to not only determine if this is the company you want to work for, but also eliminate any surprises if they decide to question you about one of their clients.

5. ALWAYS proofread your résumé. It is best to have a fresh pair of eyes look over your résumé to make sure that it is formatted correctly and free of spelling errors. Take advantage of the writing center on campus and have them help you with your résumé.

6. Make sure that your résumé has experiences relevant to the position that you are applying for.

The Interview:

7. Always have questions prepared to ask your interviewer. This will show that you are interested in the company. If you need help finding questions to ask, revisit the advertisement for the internship and identify the key qualities the interviewer will be looking for. It also does not hurt to research questions to ask your interviewer.

8. We know that interviews can be a daunting experience but always be confident. Confidence can have you be the candidate your interviewer remembers as well as prepare you for the work ahead. PR is bound to draw you out of your comfort zone, so practice losing your inhibitions now.

9. Find out the dress code for the company and dress accordingly. If this information cannot be accessed always dress smart.

10. Your interviewer may have trouble remembering who you are due to the amount of applications they receive and interviews held. If you have not heard a reply for up to 3 days, it is safe to call the company to ask if they have received all of your documents and when to expect to hear back from them. However, always remember to be courteous and not come off as pushy.

Start making career moves now!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our general body meeting on Tuesday October 7th. For any one who is interested in joining our chapter there is still time left! You can join us at our weekly meetings on Tuesdays at 3:25pm or email us at for more information on how to join the Public Relations Student Society of America.

As a pre-professional, it is never too late to start doing things that will help you later on in your career. Let’s start with pursuing your membership with PRSSA. The Public Relations Student Society of America is a great place to start learning about public relations as well as allow you to gain experience in your college years. Not only does PRSSA provide students with a great foundation, but the networking opportunities with potential colleagues are limitless. To join our society for the 2014-2015 term, please fill out the form below and hand in your $60 deposit (cash or check) at our next general body meeting on Tuesday October 14th Marillac 111A at 3:25pm.
Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 9.56.45 AMAnother important thing to have as a pre-professional are head shots. In order to make a good impression in the online world of PR, one must have a good photo. It is also wise to use these photos for your Linkedin account, your website or your portfolio. Luckily, Red Storm PR is having a photographer come in to provide all interested persons with head shots as part of the annual PR Week. To participate in our event you MUST RSVP here and then come in on Monday November 10th with either $10 for two 4×6 photos or $20 for two 8×10 photos.

Also if anyone is interested in any internship opportunities, please contact Kristin, our President.

Thanks for your support!

We want to send a big thank you out to everyone who joined us at our first general body meeting on Tuesday. As you know we have a busy semester ahead of us, so we want to help you all remember the important things we have planned.

1. The National Organ Donor Awareness Competition:

To refresh your memory for our meeting next week please review the link here

We ask that you please print out the page and bring it with you to our next meeting so we can get started on the project.

2. In order to keep a national organization up and running, dues have to be paid. Dues for our chapter will be discussed at the next meeting but keep in mind that the deadline to turn them in is November 1, 2014.

3. As you know, this semester we will be hosting our first annual PR Week. One function from the week of events will be getting professional Head shots taken. If you are interested in having your picture taken please RSVP at this link. PR Week will be discussed in detail at the next meeting.

Don’t forget that our meetings occur every Tuesday at 3:25pm in Marillac 111A!

Resume Tips

Mark your calendars!

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Mark your calendars for the first Red Storm PR meeting of the fall 2014 semester. Our meeting will start at 3:25pm sharp on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 in Marillac 111A. Now is the time for you to further your career and network with other young professionals. We hope you all are ready to learn what our organization is all about.

1st Annual PR Week!

1st Annual PR Week!11/10/2014
The big day is here!

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